Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One Man, One Bear, One Message

Cat-Dad recently brought to my attention the passing last month of an exceptional man, Thomas Doerflein, who worked at the Berlin Zoo in Berlin, Germany. What made him exceptional was he'd dedicated a significant portion of his life over the past 18 months to caring for an orphaned polar bear cub named Knut.

As the story of Knut and Thomas spread, they soon acquired an international following of people who marveled at this relationship between man and bear. The comments in multiple languages posted to Knut's Blog give testimony to the extent of his fans.

Why would one man care so much for an orphaned animal? Is it because polar bears inherently are attractive to humans? Or because they stand on the verge of extinction because of humans? Not so.

I believe inside every human is a latent desire to fulfill the command of stewardship of this earth and its resources, and to respect all life. Thomas Dorflein was just one man, and Knut was just one little bear. But together their example touched thousands of lives who, regardless of color, nationality or political views, are bounded together by this driving internal characteristic of compassion for another.

With love for all,


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