Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Another December

Cat-Dad has told me that December can be a time of special difficulty for humans because of stress and unmet holiday expectations. For many, this month seemingly emphasizes the futility of their existence and the hopelessness that stretches out before them in the coming New Year. To this I certainly relate, since it was a December - two years ago tonight - when I was first brought to Cat-Dad's home, tired, sick, and without hope. I was resigned to my life being at its end. What reason was there to think otherwise? I was a kitten alone on the streets, trying my best to survive when misery was all I had ever known. The sickness in my lungs had so affected me that I no longer had the will to survive. Until that night, there was no one who would care, or even know, if I simply closed my eyes and never opened them again.

But Cat-Dad cared. And he was not about to let me die. Repeatedly, over those many months of my convalescence, he kept telling me that I was special. I was unique. Never before in all the world had there been another kitten just like me, with my DNA, with my personality. Never would there ever be someone like me again, and for that reason alone I must live. Cat-Dad spoke of personal destiny, and told me that even the smallest life has an important part to play. Such constant encouragement provided the strength to bring me back from the edge of the abyss.

I am happy now, with loving cat friends to care for, a very special human to be with, and even my very own blog! Surely, no cat could ask for more. Yet sometimes; rarely but sometimes, in the month of December, the memories of my former life creep in and suddenly I am overwhelmed with crushing sadness. I walk again in the Valley of the Shadow. Without warning, loneliness envelops me and for hours I feel physical pain in my spirit.

At those times I remember Cat-Dad's words - that I am special, and was placed on this earth for a specific reason. My former hardships and scars are a part of me that I accept. They are woven into the tapestry of my life and make me who I am. In reflective moments I embrace these, because they have brought me closer to my Cat-Dad's love.

If these thoughts and feelings of December resonate with you, dear reader, I encourage you to borrow from my experience. Let me carry your pain. Because even the smallest life has an important part to play; and under the fur, you and I are not so different.

With love for all,

Some people weave burlap into the fabric of our lives, some weave threads of gold. Both contribute to make the whole picture beautiful and unique.
- Author Unknown